Friday, April 21, 2006


It's only day two. The novelty's still fresh and this could be a long one.

I feel pretty good at the moment. I'm reading some really good books and I think it's to them that I'd like to dedicate today's entry.

The first is called 'A Dry Patch' and is by my former Headmaster's wife, who works under the name Clare Chambers. I won't bore you with the details (or spoil anything for you because I recommend you read it) but it was really insightful into the way people think: how insecure we all are basically. It really helped reinforce the realisation I've often had that everyone is the most important person in their world. As kids we grow up thinking the world revolves around us and I think most people never really lose that. One of the reasons Christ's call is so radical is because He commands us to love others AS WE LOVE OURSELVES. Indeed He tells us this is the second most important thing we can do in this life, after loving God with all we have. His thoughts were, I believe, always for those around Him. Their worries, their fears, their hopes and insecurities. Surely if there were ever any persuasive argument that we need God's help to live the Christian life it is this: He wants us to live like the world revolves around every person we meet. The fact is that His world does, and it's His world that we live in.

The second book is 'Rees Howells Intercessor' by Norman Grubb. Today I once again showed myself how difficult it is to read any more than a page or two of that book without having to put it down because you feel so stirred to repentance/praise/action or any combination of the above. Today I just wanted an outpouring of the Spirit amongst my friends and the uni so I asked for it. Later this evening Jon felt really weird so we had a pray which was really good. I felt quality so I asked God 'Where do we go from here?' I looked up and saw the sign on Jon's wall which says 'The Furnace'....

I'm quite tired and I'm working tomorrow so I'll leave it there for tonight. Thanks to Jason Upton for keeping me company again, it's good blogging music.


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