Friends, and rejection.
I think this one's gonna have some pretty personal stuff in so brace yourself.
My friends (including me) seem to be in a bit of a mess at the moment. It's quite complicated and I'm not sure I want to go into all the details but people having been pulling each other and getting upset with each other and I'm feeling rejected and somewhat bitter. I don't THINK I'm angry with anyone in particular but I'm quite annoyed that people still seem to think they can go round kissing other people and there won't be any consequences, despite all the evidence to the contrary. It's not helped by the fact that my 'righteous indignation' is mingled with jealousy as it seems fairly clear that I can't go round kissing people (on a number of levels). The jealousy issue is also not helped by the fact that one of the kissers is a girl who basically rejected me before Easter (although I wasn't actually asking her out).
How the heck anyone is going through this without God I have no idea. I guess they're not really as He's right there with them whether they know it or not but I'm pretty convinced He's got an amazing wife for me and this still hurts and their issues are much more dramatic than mine.
Maybe this is just another guise of selfishness. I've certainly been feeling pretty sorry for myself today. Hallelujah that God's unchanging, that's the bottom line.
My friends (including me) seem to be in a bit of a mess at the moment. It's quite complicated and I'm not sure I want to go into all the details but people having been pulling each other and getting upset with each other and I'm feeling rejected and somewhat bitter. I don't THINK I'm angry with anyone in particular but I'm quite annoyed that people still seem to think they can go round kissing other people and there won't be any consequences, despite all the evidence to the contrary. It's not helped by the fact that my 'righteous indignation' is mingled with jealousy as it seems fairly clear that I can't go round kissing people (on a number of levels). The jealousy issue is also not helped by the fact that one of the kissers is a girl who basically rejected me before Easter (although I wasn't actually asking her out).
How the heck anyone is going through this without God I have no idea. I guess they're not really as He's right there with them whether they know it or not but I'm pretty convinced He's got an amazing wife for me and this still hurts and their issues are much more dramatic than mine.
Maybe this is just another guise of selfishness. I've certainly been feeling pretty sorry for myself today. Hallelujah that God's unchanging, that's the bottom line.
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